Legal Disclaimer This web site should not be considered an offer to provide legal representation. The sending of an email to the firm or a lawyer in the firm does create an attorney client relationship or obligation on the firm’s part to provide legal representation. The only manner that this firm establishes new clients through a written engagement letter or written fee agreement. This web site and any articles contained on this web site are not legal advice and are not intended as legal advice. This web site and any articles contained on this web site are intended to provide only general, non-specific legal information. This web site and any articles contained on this web site are not intended to cover all the issues related to the topic discussed. They may not indicate the most current legal developments. The specific facts that apply to your matter may make the outcome different than would be anticipated by you. Douglas Koger practices law in Texas and materials in this website may be particular to Texas. Laws of other states and countries may be different. You should consult with an attorney familiar with the issues and the laws of your state and/or country. This web site, articles contained on this web site and emails and contact information sent through this website do not create any attorney client relationship between Douglas Koger and you. Douglas E. Koger is not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Board Certification is NOT a requirement to practice law in Texas. Every attorney licensed to practice by the Supreme Court of Texas is authorized to practice in all State Courts, Justice Courts, County Courts, District Courts, Appellate Courts and the Supreme Court of Texas. If an attorney wishes to specialize in a particular area of law and if certification is offered in that practice area, he may apply for such certification by meeting specific training and experience requirements. Specialty fields include: Administrative, Business Bankruptcy, Consumer Bankruptcy, Civil Appellate, Civil Trial, Construction, Consumer and Commercial, Criminal, Child Welfare, Estate Planning & Probate, Family, Health, Immigration and Nationality, Juvenile, Labor & Employment, Oil Gas & Mineral, Personal Injury Trial, Property Owners Association, Commercial Real Estate, Farm and Ranch Real Estate, Residential Real Estate, Tax and Worker’s Compensation. Other practice areas do not offer certification. Federal courts have their own bars and an attorney licensed to practice in State Courts may apply to practice in the Federal Courts. Texas is divided into four districts, Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western. Appeals from all of these districts are through the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.